
Terriers dogs one funny dog breeds

As we known, there are seven main dog breeds in the world including: sporting dogs, hunting dogs, working dogs, terrier dogs, non-sporting dogs,toy dogs and herding dogs. Now I want to talking about terrier dogs.

A terrier is a dog of any one of many breeds or landraces of terrier type, which are typically small, wiry, very active and fearless dogs.Dogs in the Terrier group were developed to hunt and kill vermin. The vermin included control rats, mice and other predatory animals such as foxes that might raided a farmer's produce and livestock. The very nature of these tasks require an energetic, tenacious, brave and determined dog . Terrier dogs have always been viewed as real assets by their owners and have worked with man for centuries.They become our good friends.


Are terrier dogs right for house-keeping?Characteristics and features of Terrier Dogs have been introduced and strengthened by breeding with animals who already demonstrated the desired traits. Terrier dogs are small to medium size and are often described as fiery or feisty. The smallest erriers are ready to take on any opponents - a necessary attribute when hunting and killing vermin but not so good for a family pet! Some terriers are yappy and are known to nip boisterous children. They can also be quite independent and difficult to train. On the positive side Terriers can be friendly, stable and loyal pets.


There are many dogs in terriers group, you will find your lovely pet.

More is at DOGS.

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