
Hunting DogS The Oldest One Of Dog Breeds

Long time ago, dogs is used to help our ancestors hunting.No one know when and why the dogs help human beings hunting. Until now some dogs are still doing the job,we call them hunting dogs or hound. It is one of main dog breeds.

Do you want to keep a hunting dog as a pet? Here I will provide some knowledge of hunting dogs,wish that will be helpful. What is the advantage of hounds?Hunting Dogs in the Hound Dog Group have been bred to chase (or hound) a quarry by sight or smell, or a combination of both senses. The Sight hound Hunting Dogs have exceptional eyesight, combined with the speed and stamina necessary to catch the intended prey once seen, typical examples being the Greyhound and the Whippet. Hunting Dogs which rely strongly on the sense of smell to follow the trail of a prey, such as the Bloodhound, quite literally follow their noses, speed and eyesight is of less importance.If you like hunting, hunting dogs must be you perfect choice.


There are several points to notice while keeping hunting dogs .Many hounds are kept in packs, in outdo or kennels. Any dogs and puppies belonging to the Hound breeds require a significant amount of exercise as they have high stamina levels suitable for hunting quarry. There are some breeds in this group who make a distinctive "baying" sound - invaluable information should be considering puppies. They also need love and attentions. At last,wish you and your hunting dogs enjoy hunting.


More is at DOGS.

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