
Replica D&G Leather Shopping Bag

As we known, Dolce & Gabbana Handbags is founded by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana in Italy in1985. For over twenty years Dolce and Gabbana have been making people happy all over the world with their special designs. Although they are not as rich in tradition as some other designer handbags such as Gucci Handbag , they make up for this in other areas. They are stylish and always in good quality. No matter what type of style you have, you can rest assured that there is a Dolce and Gabbana handbag that will suit your needs.Now the D&G fashion clothing and accessories, includes exclusive collection for men and women, kids both girls and boys, has set a fashion trend in the world of International fashion market and is appreciated for its innovative creations and designer collection in the entire fashion industry.

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D&G Leather Shopping Bag 18135:

D&G shimmer sheepskin leather
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Inside zipper closure,two small pockets
Size:W37×H19×D18 cm
Comes with authenticity card, dust bag, and care booklet

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Best D&G Leather Shopping Bag

